Results are final as of 16:06 on September 24, 2011

Fast Fleet

Sailed: 4, Discards: 1, To count: 3, Ratings: PY, Entries: 11, Scoring system: Appendix A
Rank Fleet Boat Class SailNo Club HelmName CrewName PY R1 R2 R3 R4 Total Nett
1st Fast Laser LASER RADIAL 160563 Littleton Amy Cotter   1114 1.0 1.0 1.0 (4.0) 7.0 3.0
2nd Fast None LASER 2000 21015 WAG Samuel Maycock Michael Rides 1090 (2.0) 2.0 2.0 1.0 7.0 5.0
3rd Fast None LASER 75356 Reeds Alex Clay   1090 (5.0) 3.0 3.0 2.0 13.0 8.0
4th Fast None LASER 23526 Reeds James McCarthy   1090 3.0 (4.0) 4.0 3.0 14.0 10.0
5th Fast Laser LASER RADIAL 17 Reeds Jacob Wright   1114 4.0 (9.0) 5.0 5.0 23.0 14.0
6th Fast None RS FEVA 2187 WAG Lisa Maycock Eleanor Denham 1260 (7.0) 6.0 6.0 7.0 26.0 19.0
7th Fast None COMET 652 Reeds Jack lefeuvre   1187 (12.0 DNS) 5.0 7.0 8.0 32.0 20.0
8th Fast None RS FEVA XL 2187 WAG Ellie MacKay Tiff Maddison 1200 6.0 7.0 (9.0) 9.0 31.0 22.0
9th Fast Laser LASER RADIAL No number Reeds Chris Holmes   1114 9.0 (10.0) 8.0 6.0 33.0 23.0
10th Fast None RS FEVA XL 2189 WAG Josh East Tom Rides 1200 8.0 8.0 10.0 (12.0 DNF) 38.0 26.0
11th Fast None COMET 652 Reeds Josh Tyrrell   1187 10.0 (12.0 DNS) 12.0 DNS 12.0 DNC 46.0 34.0

Slow Fleet

Sailed: 4, Discards: 1, To count: 3, Ratings: PY, Entries: 9, Scoring system: Appendix A
Rank Fleet Boat Class SailNo Club HelmName CrewName PY R1 R2 R3 R4 Total Nett
1st Slow Topper TOPPER No number Littleton Alex Dalrymple   1297 (7.0) 3.0 3.0 1.0 14.0 7.0
2nd Slow Topper TOPPER 22697 Reeds Sam Riley   1297 6.0 1.0 1.0 (10.0 DNS) 18.0 8.0
3rd Slow None LASER PICO 5764(1) Littleton Harry Reason   1260 4.5 2.0 2.0 (10.0 DNC) 18.5 8.5
4th Slow None LASER PICO 5763 Littleton Nicholas Selves   1260 2.5 4.5 4.5 (10.0 DNC) 21.5 11.5
4th Slow None LASER PICO (JIB) 5763 Littleton Edgar Povey Nicholas Selves 1265 2.5 4.5 4.5 (10.0 DNS) 21.5 11.5
6th Slow Topper TOPPER 7284 Reeds Jack lefeuvre   1297 1.0 (10.0 DNS) 10.0 DNS 10.0 DNC 31.0 21.0
7th Slow None LASER PICO (JIB) 5762 Littleton Ellie East Iwan Drewett 1265 (10.0 DNS) 7.0 6.0 10.0 DNC 33.0 23.0
8th Slow Topper TOPPER 20052 Reeds Robert Dasson   1297 8.0 6.0 (10.0 DNF) 10.0 DNF 34.0 24.0
9th Slow None LASER PICO (JIB) 5764 Littleton Harry Reason Austen Reason 1265 4.5 (10.0 DNS) 10.0 DNS 10.0 DNS 34.5 24.5

R1 - Fast Fleet

Start: Start 1, Finishes: Place
Rank Fleet Boat Class SailNo Club HelmName CrewName PY Elapsed Points
1 Fast Laser LASER RADIAL 160563 Littleton Amy Cotter   1114 38:32 1.0
2 Fast None LASER 2000 21015 WAG Samuel Maycock Michael Rides 1090 39:34 2.0
3 Fast None LASER 23526 Reeds James McCarthy   1090 46:23 3.0
4 Fast Laser LASER RADIAL 17 Reeds Jacob Wright   1114 49:02 4.0
5 Fast None LASER 75356 Reeds Alex Clay   1090 50:15 5.0
6 Fast None RS FEVA XL 2187 WAG Ellie MacKay Tiff Maddison 1200 41:53 6.0
7 Fast None RS FEVA 2187 WAG Lisa Maycock Eleanor Denham 1260 46:07 7.0
8 Fast None RS FEVA XL 2189 WAG Josh East Tom Rides 1200 44:01 8.0
9 Fast Laser LASER RADIAL No number Reeds Chris Holmes   1114 41:22 9.0
10 Fast None COMET 652 Reeds Josh Tyrrell   1187 53:41 10.0
11 Fast None COMET 652 Reeds Jack lefeuvre   1187 DNS 12.0

R2 - Fast Fleet

Start: Start 1, Finishes: Place
Rank Fleet Boat Class SailNo Club HelmName CrewName PY Elapsed Points
1 Fast Laser LASER RADIAL 160563 Littleton Amy Cotter   1114 20:57 1.0
2 Fast None LASER 2000 21015 WAG Samuel Maycock Michael Rides 1090 21:00 2.0
3 Fast None LASER 75356 Reeds Alex Clay   1090 21:36 3.0
4 Fast None LASER 23526 Reeds James McCarthy   1090 22:12 4.0
5 Fast None COMET 652 Reeds Jack lefeuvre   1187 24:44 5.0
6 Fast None RS FEVA 2187 WAG Lisa Maycock Eleanor Denham 1260 27:48 6.0
7 Fast None RS FEVA XL 2187 WAG Ellie MacKay Tiff Maddison 1200 26:43 7.0
8 Fast None RS FEVA XL 2189 WAG Josh East Tom Rides 1200 27:44 8.0
9 Fast Laser LASER RADIAL 17 Reeds Jacob Wright   1114 26:09 9.0
10 Fast Laser LASER RADIAL No number Reeds Chris Holmes   1114 26:14 10.0
11 Fast None COMET 652 Reeds Josh Tyrrell   1187 DNS 12.0

R3 - Fast Fleet

Start: Start 1, Finishes: Place
Rank Fleet Boat Class SailNo Club HelmName CrewName PY Elapsed Points
1 Fast Laser LASER RADIAL 160563 Littleton Amy Cotter   1114 23:21 1.0
2 Fast None LASER 2000 21015 WAG Samuel Maycock Michael Rides 1090 26:21 2.0
3 Fast None LASER 75356 Reeds Alex Clay   1090 27:00 3.0
4 Fast None LASER 23526 Reeds James McCarthy   1090 27:06 4.0
5 Fast Laser LASER RADIAL 17 Reeds Jacob Wright   1114 28:22 5.0
6 Fast None RS FEVA 2187 WAG Lisa Maycock Eleanor Denham 1260 23:46 6.0
7 Fast None COMET 652 Reeds Jack lefeuvre   1187 23:07 7.0
8 Fast Laser LASER RADIAL No number Reeds Chris Holmes   1114 23:13 8.0
9 Fast None RS FEVA XL 2187 WAG Ellie MacKay Tiff Maddison 1200 26:03 9.0
10 Fast None RS FEVA XL 2189 WAG Josh East Tom Rides 1200 26:36 10.0
11 Fast None COMET 652 Reeds Josh Tyrrell   1187 DNS 12.0

R4 - Fast Fleet

Start: Start 1, Finishes: Place
Rank Fleet Boat Class SailNo Club HelmName CrewName PY Elapsed Points
1 Fast None LASER 2000 21015 WAG Samuel Maycock Michael Rides 1090 38:10 1.0
2 Fast None LASER 75356 Reeds Alex Clay   1090 38:30 2.0
3 Fast None LASER 23526 Reeds James McCarthy   1090 38:53 3.0
4 Fast Laser LASER RADIAL 160563 Littleton Amy Cotter   1114 40:18 4.0
5 Fast Laser LASER RADIAL 17 Reeds Jacob Wright   1114 49:28 5.0
6 Fast Laser LASER RADIAL No number Reeds Chris Holmes   1114 38:25 6.0
7 Fast None RS FEVA 2187 WAG Lisa Maycock Eleanor Denham 1260 43:28 7.0
8 Fast None COMET 652 Reeds Jack lefeuvre   1187 41:13 8.0
9 Fast None RS FEVA XL 2187 WAG Ellie MacKay Tiff Maddison 1200 46:16 9.0
10 Fast None RS FEVA XL 2189 WAG Josh East Tom Rides 1200 DNF 12.0

R1 - Slow Fleet

Start: Start 1, Finishes: Place
Rank Fleet Boat Class SailNo Club HelmName CrewName PY Elapsed Points
1 Slow Topper TOPPER 7284 Reeds Jack lefeuvre   1297 39:54 1.0
2 Slow None LASER PICO 5763 Littleton Nicholas Selves   1265 55:37 2.5
2 Slow None LASER PICO (JIB) 5763 Littleton Edgar Povey Nicholas Selves 1265 55:37 2.5
4 Slow None LASER PICO 5764(1) Littleton Harry Reason   1265 58:37 4.5
4 Slow None LASER PICO (JIB) 5764 Littleton Harry Reason Austen Reason 1265 58:37 4.5
6 Slow Topper TOPPER 22697 Reeds Sam Riley   1297 1:00:35 6.0
7 Slow Topper TOPPER No number Littleton Alex Dalrymple   1297 42:11 7.0
8 Slow Topper TOPPER 20052 Reeds Robert Dasson   1297 1:01:03 8.0
9 Slow None LASER PICO (JIB) 5762 Littleton Ellie East Iwan Drewett 1265 DNS 10.0

R2 - Slow Fleet

Start: Start 1, Finishes: Place
Rank Fleet Boat Class SailNo Club HelmName CrewName PY Elapsed Points
1 Slow Topper TOPPER 22697 Reeds Sam Riley   1297 29:39 1.0
2 Slow None LASER PICO 5764(1) Littleton Harry Reason   1260 29:41 2.0
3 Slow Topper TOPPER No number Littleton Alex Dalrymple   1297 35:14 3.0
4 Slow None LASER PICO 5763 Littleton Nicholas Selves   1265 35:03 4.5
4 Slow None LASER PICO (JIB) 5763 Littleton Edgar Povey Nicholas Selves 1265 35:03 4.5
6 Slow Topper TOPPER 20052 Reeds Robert Dasson   1297 23:14 6.0
7 Slow None LASER PICO (JIB) 5762 Littleton Ellie East Iwan Drewett 1265 38:30 7.0
8 Slow Topper TOPPER 7284 Reeds Jack lefeuvre   1297 DNS 10.0
8 Slow None LASER PICO (JIB) 5764 Littleton Harry Reason Austen Reason 1265 DNS 10.0

R3 - Slow Fleet

Start: Start 1, Finishes: Place
Rank Fleet Boat Class SailNo Club HelmName CrewName PY Elapsed Points
1 Slow Topper TOPPER 22697 Reeds Sam Riley   1297 26:21 1.0
2 Slow None LASER PICO 5764(1) Littleton Harry Reason   1260 28:28 2.0
3 Slow Topper TOPPER No number Littleton Alex Dalrymple   1297 29:30 3.0
4 Slow None LASER PICO 5763 Littleton Nicholas Selves   1265 31:35 4.5
4 Slow None LASER PICO (JIB) 5763 Littleton Edgar Povey Nicholas Selves 1265 31:35 4.5
6 Slow None LASER PICO (JIB) 5762 Littleton Ellie East Iwan Drewett 1265 30:10 6.0
7 Slow Topper TOPPER 7284 Reeds Jack lefeuvre   1297 DNS 10.0
7 Slow Topper TOPPER 20052 Reeds Robert Dasson   1297 DNF 10.0
7 Slow None LASER PICO (JIB) 5764 Littleton Harry Reason Austen Reason 1265 DNS 10.0

R4 - Slow Fleet

Start: Start 1, Finishes: Place
Rank Fleet Boat Class SailNo Club HelmName CrewName PY Elapsed Points
1 Slow Topper TOPPER No number Littleton Alex Dalrymple   1297 44:21 1.0
2 Slow Topper TOPPER 22697 Reeds Sam Riley   1297 DNS 10.0
2 Slow None LASER PICO (JIB) 5763 Littleton Edgar Povey Nicholas Selves 1265 DNS 10.0
2 Slow Topper TOPPER 20052 Reeds Robert Dasson   1297 DNF 10.0
2 Slow None LASER PICO (JIB) 5764 Littleton Harry Reason Austen Reason 1265 DNS 10.0

Scoring codes used

DNCDid not come to the starting area
DNFStarted but did not finish
DNSCame to the start area but did not start

Sailwave Scoring Software 2.02 build 3