Virtual Laser Race Series

There’s still time to take part in the Virtual Laser Series with another 15 club races over this year to count!

Any Laser sail (Full, Radial or 4.7/ILCA7, 6 or 4) can be used and changed throughout the series, which launched in October 2024.  Another 15 club races over this year will be used to extract results to complete the virtual series (best 10 results of 18 races to count).

The racing has attracted 10 different helms so far, but the 2nd and 3rd races have been particularly windy days resulting in a low (and perhaps wise) turnout for those races. Tony Cook is enjoying a comfortable lead at the moment, but there is plenty of time for that to change

The next race is the 10:35 GH on the 30th March. Further races to be announced shortly.

It’s never too late to join in, any questions, please ask Martin Rides.

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