Club AGM Wednesday 26 March

The 66th AGM of Littleton Sailing Club, incorporating the 1st AGM of LittletonSC LTD, the new CLG (Company Limited by Guarantee), will be held on Wednesday, 26th March in the Clubhouse at 7:15pm, in-person only. 

As usual, members of the Management Committee will be elected at the AGM but this year the Directors of LittletonSC LTD will also be elected.  The CLG Directors are the holders of the following club offices: the Commodore, the Vice Commodore, the Hon. Treasurer and the Hon. Secretary.  The nominees for the roles of LittletonSC directors and positions on the Management Committee for 2025-26 are as below:

PositionCLG DirectorNomineeProposer Seconder
CommodoreYesAndrew LewisDan GoodmanElinor Kerr
Vice CommodoreYesTony Cook*Dan GoodmanAndrew Lewis
Rear Commodore SailingTony CookAndrew LewisElinor Kerr
Rear Commodore FaciltiesChris ThorntonAndrew LewisElinor Kerr
Hon. TreasurerYesChris BoutleAndrew LewisElinor Kerr
Hon SecretaryYesElinor KerrDan GoodmanAndrew Lewis
Membership Secretary (Joint)George Antonatos / John DeanAndrew LewisElinor Kerr
Clubhouse SecretaryRob FairhurstAndrew LewisElinor Kerr

*Tony Cook is proposed for Vice Commodore but has agreed to continue also as Rear Commodore Sailing until a suitable replacement is found.

The agenda and full documentation will be circulated at least 14 days before the AGM.

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