Christmas Supper – Sat 10 Dec

Join us for a 3-course Christmas supper at the club from 7pm on December 10th, with guest speaker David Henshall.

Next Sunday, 27th November is the closing date for bookings.

The sit-down meal will be served from 7.30pm, consisting of:

  • Roasted courgette soup with peas & basil (V)
  • Pork medallions in a creamy mushroom sauce or salmon in a sticky mirin sauce or vegetable wellington (V)

  • White forest meringue roulade or yule log or toffee apple crumble (V) 

  • Coffee/tea & mints

The bar will be stocked with a good choice of wines, beers and soft drinks. Please note: the veggie main and dessert options won’t be available if there are no vegetarian/vegan guests

David Henshall, the well-known Solent-based dinghy sailor, author and presenter will deliver a talk, entitled: ‘From the Thames to Teddington: The spiritual home of domestic dinghy development’

David is known as a writer and commentator on the history of racing dinghy development in the UK. He has written books on the International Contender, the Merlin Rocket and the 5O5, and is a regular contributor to Yachts and Yachting and other sailing publications and is an engaging speaker.

Tickets cost £26 per person. To book, please email quoting the number of tickets you require by Sunday, 27th November.

Image by Freepik

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